I really love this trend that’s all over social media because it’s a simplified way for us to make conscious decisions about what we are leaving behind and what we feel called to step into. Resolutions seem to come with a lot of pressure. Goals need to be measured and well crafted. Intentions carry an invisible weight and we often don’t get granular enough with them. So I love the “Ins & Outs” exercise. It’s no bullshit and it’s specific.
I’m really excited to be writing this blog post right now, on January 1st, as my first post back to the blog since 2020! I really really love to write down my thoughts and share everything that I feel has made an impact on me and my life. So it feels natural to start off my first “In” with…
- Blogging: I really want to do this for me more than anyone else. I’ve felt a little burnt out with my business this year; it’s really felt like it’s more for my clients and other people than myself. So I want to take this year to do things that give me joy, and this is one of them.
- Making home videos: One of my favorite things to do is watch home videos from when I was kid. And I want to give that to Cannon and Collins.
- Launch my podcast, CONSUME: CONSUME has been a labor of love that I’ve sporadically worked on for the past year and I feel that this is the year it’s going to see the light of day. I can’t wait to share it with you all.
- Passive income: This is the year I stop trading so much of my time for money. I feel like I’ve been robbed of a lot of tiny moments with my family simply because I wasn’t present. I was there, but my mind was pre-occupied with work. So this year, I want to get more creative with how I can create passive income for my family.
- Community: I am so lit up by human interaction and socializing. I have always been that way. I want to create something where people come together in a safe space that is just fun. Stay tuned for what that might look like. I’m not sure yet, but I have some ideas.
- Letting go (and fast): Whether it’s relationships––both personal and professional––projects, mental blocks, negative feelings, etc. I want to let go of anything that’s sucking the energy out of me. So this includes saying sorry and accepting my mistakes.
- Failing: I am terrified to fail; to look stupid; to look incapable. It’s the biggest reason I think I haven’t been able to live up to my potential. I really want to change that. I want to fail and fail fast, because that means I tried, learned and got better from it.
- Eating three healthy meals a day: I don’t want to skip breakfast anymore. And I don’t want to call chips & salsa dinner. I was so good about eating whole foods before I had kids and I want to get back to that this year.
- Doing what makes me feel good: Getting on a more consistent workout schedule, dressing up for any occasion, getting outside more, microdosing, facials, skincare, andddddd yes, this includes botox and maybe a lil lip filler. That isn’t out for me haha.
- Organization: Ohhhh this is the never-ending task. I have been able to get organized in some areas of my home, but I’m going to be really intentional with it this year. AND MAINLY BECAUSE… It frees up so much mental clutter and stress for me. If my home is tidy and clean and everything has a place, then I’m freed up to be creative, open up my schedule, and work more efficiently.
- Saying no: I’ve been pretty darn good about this in 2023 and I have never felt better. I am going to keep it up in 2024.
- Travel: Even if it’s just a staycation and quick drive to Flagstaff, I want to travel this year and I want to show the kids the beauty of traveling, even in all the crazy stressful planning and logistics. I’ve always thought that it’s just easier to limit traveling and I really hate that mindset. I want to change it this year.
- Minimalism: Meaning, less things, less stuff. I’ll be getting rid of clothing, toys, junk drawers, and anything else that we haven’t used in the past six months. I want things that have purpose and that last.
- Piano: I started piano lessons this year and it’s been therapy for me. It’s so much fun to learn something new and see the small improvements I make with every time I practice. Living through these small wins is a tangible reminder for me to mirror my professional life the same way. I also want to practice piano more every single day. Excited to see how I improve this year!
- Consistency: The key to the success of anyone or anything, in my opinion, is consistency. I feel like I’ve started and stopped too many things because I couldn’t stay consistent with them. But I know that anything I do stay consistent at, I always see success with. So let’s stop the self-sabotage and just keep going, k?
- Concerts: I went to more concerts in 2023 than I have in the past 10 years and they make me so dang happy!!!!
- Fear of being seen: We are only afraid to put ourselves out there because we’re scared of what other people will think of us. Scroll down to #15 on this list. We aren’t going to care about that anymore.
- Ego: Bye to anyone around me who gives off ego energy and bye to my own ego. It’s the biggest downfall of anyone.
- Hustle culture: Let’s work smarter, not harder, eh?
- Valuing a human by their online presence: Why do all the self-development “gurus” and “coaches” out there do this? It’s so gross. I built a multi-six-figure business in years 2 and 3 (year 3 being 2023) of my company without having a huge social media presence or strategy. So anyone who’s telling you that you can’t be successful without this clout is a liar and is trying to sell you something.
- Food delivery apps: I have never really used these much, but I just think they are a rip off. And also, are we really that lazy that we want to give up the quality and freshness of our food by waiting longer so someone else in their gods-knows-how-clean car can drop it off to us? Idk… it gives me the ick.
- Staying up late: I don’t usually do this because I simply cannot function on no sleep. I love my sleep. But sometimes I’ll stay up past 10pm and it’s a recipe for disaster. So screen time after 9pm, bingeing tv shows, coffee after 1pm, and sleeping in are OUT.
- Calls and meetings: Like literally only when necessary. Nothing throws me off my focus or my flow more than having to pick up a call or jump on a zoom meeting. Byeeeeee.
- Analysis paralysis: This is always the death of me. I overthink everything. I overanalyze everything. I want to make decisions more quickly, more impulsively… because my gut is telling me to. My gut is always right and has never steered me wrong, so why do I ignore it? Overthinking is always a sign that I’m ignoring my gut.
- Scrolling: I’m never more disappointed in myself than when I have wasted ANY amount of time doing absolutely nothing on social media.
- Technology around my kids: On the note of scrolling, let’s just try to omit any use of any technology around our kids. I watched a TED Talk where the speaker (can’t remember who) said they started limiting technology use to one room in the house and during certain hours of the days (i.e. home office and when the kids are either sleeping or at school). I’m into this and want to be more conscious of it.
- Being hard on myself: I want to see and celebrate more of my wins and what I have accomplished versus what I haven’t accomplished.
- Winging my days: Having a clear plan, time-blocked schedule, and set intentions for how I want to tackle a week, a day, an hour is how I want to approach this year. I know that sounds like a lot of pressure to put on myself, but that’s the thing… for me, the pressure is relieved when I have a plan for each day. And I know that I won’t execute these days perfectly to plan and I’m okay with that.
- Spending: Less spending, more investing. This is hard but I need to do it lol.
- Binge-drinking: I enjoy wine and I’m not cutting it out. But I definitely don’t enjoy binge-drinking and waking up hungover. To me, binge-drinking is drinking more than 1-2 drinks in a single hour. So that’s getting cut out this year.
- What other people think: The beauty of getting older is that this becomes less and less important with each year. I have really felt a shift in how much less I care what other people think, but I want to work on it more.
I hope you find some value out of my list that you can apply to yours! Wishing you a prosperous 2024. You deserve it!