As a first time parent, there is such an overwhelming amount of information out there about which products are best for your baby. And you constantly feel the pressure to do your research and pick the best products to purchase. The baby product industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, so you can only imagine how saturated it is.
I oftentimes would find myself falling down so many internet rabbit holes just filling my brain with endless amounts of information about each product I might need, and then the different brands under each. Honestly, how much can you research about baby bottles or crib mattresses? At the end of the day, you have to make a decision, and you just need to go with your gut on what you feel would be the best for you and your baby!
My biggest issue when researching what to buy, is the lack of information on when I should be buying certain baby items. Brands obviously won’t tell you that because they want you to purchase as soon as possible. Because of this, I had things on my registry that I wouldn’t even need until Cannon was nine or ten months old, and in turn, our friends and family would purchase these items instead of one I would actually need right after he was born.
Therefore, the point of this blog post is to list out all my favorite essential / must-have baby items, and more importantly, at what age you will need to have them. This will help you prioritize which products to put on your baby registry and which ones you can save for later.
Every item I list out is one that I have used, and loved, for Cannon. I made sure to only include the essentials on this list, therefore, I do not list any clothes, books or toys. We’ll save that for another post!
- Bassinet > If there is anything worth splurging on, it’s the SNOO. I can count on one hand the number of sleepness night we had.
- Dockatot > Cannon slept in this all day during the first 3 months!
- Blanket > Cannon was a December baby so it was cold. I would lay this over him while he slept in the Dockatot or if he was hanging out in his swing (I always kept it away from his face).
- Humidifier > A huge worry with infants is that they can get SIDS and just stop breathing while sleeping. One of the things that is supposed to help with this is having a humidifier on while they sleep. This one is also an essential oil diffuser!
- Pacifier > Cannon didn’t ever take a pacifier but I’d recommend the Bibs brand based off several friends of mine whose babies use them.
- Owlet Sock Monitor > We never used this and had no problem, but also have heard stories where it literally saved a baby’s life. So while we didn’t use it, I still wanted to put it on here. It’s an investment but could be very worth it.
- Swing or bouncer > A swing or bouncer are great for awake time and keep them entertained since they can sit up higher.
- Loveevery baby play mat and gym > This is the best play mat! We used this for tummy time starting at 3 months and it comes with so many accessories for the babes to look at.
- Boppy pillow > Cannon started using this closer to three months to relax in on the couch. I primarily used this for nursing. However, we continue to use it at 16 months old! Must-have for sure. I’ve listed the luxe Boppy and the original Boppy below.
- Medela Sonata Breast Pump > Definitely apply for this through insurance here. I got mine completely covered and didn’t pay a cent!
- Haakaa Hand Pump > This is a must have for when you’re nursing your baby. Something no one ever told me was that the boob your baby wasn’t nursing on leaks like crazy and gets everywhere. It not only makes a mess but you lose all that liquid gold!! Enter the Haakaa. Suction this on the boob that’s not being nursed and this will catch all of that milk while baby feeds.
- Hands-free nursing bra > During those times you have to pump, this is essential! No one wants to sit for 30 minutes holding pumps up to their boobs, unable to use their hands.
- Storage bags > To freeze your milk!
- Medela Harmony Manual Pump > This pump works great and was perfect for plane rides, car rides and really just any time you couldn’t plug into a wall lol.
- Nursing pads > These are great to put in your bra everyday when you’re out and about or away from baby. This way you don’t leak through your shirt.
- Nursing bra > Super comfortable and easy to nurse in!
- Breastmilk Cooler Set > For those times you need to keep some extra milk cool, like on road trips or picnics.
- Nursing cover > I rarely nursed in public because during the few times I did, I got weird looks unfortunately. But I really liked this one from Levi James. It is a cool material so baby doesn’t get hot under there!
- Burp cloths > Copper Pearl has the softest items and I loved their burp cloths.
- Boppy pillow > Back to the Boppy… this pillow was amazing for nusing. I’ve listed the luxe Boppy and the original Boppy below.
- Baby bottles > Cannon took to these really well and I would use them to feed if we were out and about and obviously, we still use them for his milk.
- Bottle warmer > It takes awhile but it’s necessary. Just plan ahead!
- Bottle brushes > For obvious reasons!
- Drying rack > A lot of bottle and breastfeeding items are not dishwasher safe, so when you’re handwashing this is a great thing to have next to the sink.
- Bath tub > This tub was amazing and got its use from newborn up until Cannon could sit up in the tub. It fit perfectly in our sink and the bathtub.
- Wash cloths > These Mati Mati wash clothes are soooo soft! I love them and the colors are cute.
- Body wash / shampoo and lotion > The Honest Company has great products that are SAFE. I love all these.
- Towels > I mean these are adorable. Enough said!
- Organic body oil > Great for dry skin that babies are so prone to.
- Organic all-purpose balm > Acts as a lotion in that you can put it anywhere baby has dry skin but it’s much thicker.
- Erbaviva oil and butter > These are pricier, more luxe baby products that I would splurge on now and then.
- Changing pad > This changing pad is smart! It links up to an app and can weigh your baby. I also prefer the surface of this pad because it’s so easy to clean and requires NO laundry.
- Diapers > We started out using Honest and then switched over to Pampers Pure. Honest was good but they seemed a little uncomfortable for Cannon and he also started leaking them like crazy, which is ultimately why we switched. Pampers Pure are more affordable and a competitor of Honest (unlike the Pampers Swaddlers).
- Wipes > These wipes are water-based and completely safe to use on babies (some are not, believe it or not!) They’re super soft too compared to others I have used.
- Diaper pail > I mean… this whole concept is disgusting but I guess we need one?? I honestly don’t know that we totally do. I feel like my trash fills up faster than this thing does so if I just threw his diapers in the trash bin they wouldn’t be sitting inside as long, right? I feel like you just get one for convenience of not having to walk to the other trash bin. I don’t know really.
- Diaper pail refills > Trash bags for the diaper pail haha.
- Earth Mama diaper balm > This stuff worked well for diaper rash and it’s organic and natural.
- Fridababy Nail Clipper and File > You will only use the file for the first couple months and then move on to the clipper. I tried an electric file but it just didn’t get the job done like this one does. And it’s double the price.
- Fridababy Windi > I can’t tell you how many times these have saved us when Cannon was incredibly fussy with gas / colic! It works like a charm, you just have to get use to using it after a couple tries haha.
- Fridababy NoseFrida > This is essentially a snotsucker. Also a must have for a stuffy baby. It gets harder to use as they get older and fight back but it’s a great solution!
- Rectal thermometer > Unfortunately, this is how you have to take the baby’s temp during the first 6 months.
- Solly baby wrap > This carrier is absolutely amazing. I cannot say enough about it. It was so comfortable for both of us and really easy to use once you watched this YouTube video lol. I always wore it out when we would do errands so I wouldn’t have to get the stroller out and I would wear it frequently at home while doing chores and he would fall right to sleep in it.
- Stroller with bassinet > This stroller is amazing. We tried out a few of them at Nordstrom and nothing was quite like this one. It’s expensive but it comes with so many bells and whistles, PLUS, it can seat multiples for when you have a second baber.
- Car seat > All car seats are safe if they’re being sold in stores, but Nuna (a former client of mine), is known for being incredibly safe. We skipped getting the portable infant seat and went straight to the infant to toddler seat to save some money. Portable infant car seats really only last for 3 months and they’re $$$.
- Diaper bag > This is a splurge, but I am in LOVE with it. It fits everything we need perfectly and isn’t an endless dark hole. It also comes with a changing pad. TwelveLittle is a great affordable brand.
- Nursing cover > This is if you have one of those portable infant car seats. I didn’t use this for that but thought I’d list it anyway.
- Car headrest mirror > So you can peek on your little babe when you’re at a stop light, of course!
- Portable sound machine > Sounds machines are essential, period!
- Babyletto Crib > I put the crib here because if you use a bassinet to start, you won’t event use your crib until 3 months in. We started using the crib at 3-4 months and we would put Cannon in there for naps. He slept in there overnight at 6 months.
- Mattress > Obviously.
- Mattress pad > Helps if they have an accident, which is inevitable.
- Crib sheets > These muslin ones from Crate and Barrel are so cozy. I’ve tried other muslin ones (Aden + Anais to be exact) and it less than comfortable…
- Baby monitor > The Nanit is great. No complaints.
- Swaddles > My favorite, hands down, is the Ollie. THE BEST. I also inckluded these other swaddles by SwaddleMe because they’re easy to use.
- Sound machine & night light > This is nice and has several different sounds and colors for the night light. Love it.
- High chair > I love this high chair!! It’s so easy to clean and is super adjustable as your baby grows. It can hold a large kid in it haha. Plus there are a bunch of different fun accessories to try.
- Food tray > This fits perfectly on the Stokke high chair tray. It’s not exactly necessary but I think it helps the baby understand that we dont just eat off tables and that we actually use dishes haha.
- Bandana bibs > I would only continue to use these strictly for snacks, teething (drool) and bottle feedings. They don’t do much for actual, solid food meals. But they are cute!
- Bibs > These are the ones you want for full on meals. They really come in handy around 9 months. I LIVE by these Bapron Baby bibs.
- Glass food containers > I try to stay away from plastic as much as I can. I wasn’t much of a baby food parent and I always tried to make my own for Cannon. So these containers came in handy! You can freeze them as well.
- Baby bottles > Breastmilk or formula feedings still happen at this time! Typically they up their intake so at this time I switched from the 5oz to 8oz.
- SkipHop Bouncer > OMG I cannot tell you enough how much Cannon loved this. We put him in it at 4 months and he used it up until 9 months, maybe 10. It is so fun to watch them in it. Perfect buy.
- Bumbo > Okay… so I really liked this seat, but I can’t tell you enough how important it is to STOP using it when your baby becomes more mobile and essentially, too big for it. Do NOT go by the age that Bumbo recommends. It is INCORRECT. Therefore, if you use it right, it’s great.
- Sophie the Giraffe > Great little teething toy!
Nothing new to add here!
- Tylenol > You can begin giving your baby a small dose of this if they start having teething pain.
- Baltic Amber Beads > I would always put these on Cannon and they seemed to work and help soothe his pain. They say the beads contain a natural analgesic, which is typically a drug to relieve pain, and when babies wear the beads their body heat releases this chemical and it absorbs into their skin.
- Sun hat > I know I specify earlier in the post I wasn’t going to put clothing on here. But I included this because whether you’re going for a walk or sitting on a blanket outside, it’s so important to put a hat on your babe!
- Sunscreen > This one from Neutrogena has worked great for us.
- Travel high chair > This thing latches on to any table so you can take it to restaurants, on trips, to grandma’s house… it is very secure I should add!
- Nested Bean Zen Sack > This is the perfect product to transition your baby out of a swaddle. It’s great for the time when they’re too big for a swaddle, but too young to sleep with any blankets. Cannon loved this thing and I must say, I did too.
- Snack catcher > I’ve tried a couple of these and there is nothing like the Munchkin brand.
- Baby feeding bowl & plate set > I love these utensils and dishware.
- Sippy cup > Cannon started really drinking water around 6 months with his meals and at first I tried a cup with no straw (the Munchkin 360), but he just wasn’t getting the hang of it. I switched to this cup and he loved it and took to it right away.
- Bib > Same notes as before!
- Baby bottles > Same same. Little nuggest still drinking milk.
- Activity walker > I tried so hard to find a walker that was wooden, natural and cute, but these kids just love the ugliest toys out there. So, I caved and got this. And was it worth it. Entertainment for hours.
- Pack n Play > If you’re trying to keep the babe contained, put them in a pack n play! This is also so great as a travel crib.
- Rinser > I added this product because before I would always put Cannon’s tub in the sink where I already had a rinser. So when we moved him to the tub simply because he was too big, this was a much better alternative to a water glass lol.
- Bath mat > This is a safety thing. They don’t slide around when you have a bath mat. Must-have!
- Spout cover > So they don’t hit their head!
- Baby’s first toothbrush > Cannon got his first tooth around 5 months so we started brushing at 6 when he had a few. This toothbrush is great and easy to use.
- Toothpaste > Natural and safe!
- Forehead thermometer > You can use a forehead thermometer at the 6 month mark!
- Baby carrier > Nothing beats the Solly but once they get too big for that, you have to upgrade to something a bit more bulky. This one is less bulky than the Ergobaby so it wins in my book!
- Shopping cart & high chair cover > Because shopping carts are gross.