Quarantine has been interesting on my perspective of being home. When I was working 8-5 corporate jobs, there was nowhere else in the world I would rather be. I would always say to myself, “god I just wish I worked from home” or “I wish I could just be home all the time”. Even now that I do work from home and stay at home with Cannon, I’d even find myself dreading going to an event or something because I would just rather be at home.
But it’s funny… when the time finally comes, and that time is now, and you literally have to be at home and nowhere else, with the exception of the grocery store or pharmacy, you suddenly realize that your heart only yearned for home so much because you were away from it for hours on end each day. And now, home is the last place people want to be because they’re yearning for the ambience of a bustling society or a small talk conversation in a restaurant waiting area. For the human race, the grass is always greener I guess haha. I am guilty of this.
But while we’re home, we have to get creative in satisfying our hearts and minds because a brunch with friends is just out of the question. Lately, I’ve been really trying to put an emphasis on curating a beautiful morning routine filled with littles joys that put me in such a GREAT mood. This post isn’t going to be about my morning routine; I want to save that for another time to really get down into the details, but these are a few things I reach for throughout the day, starting with my morning, to set the tone, bring me joy and make me feel comfort.
I light one every morning to bring a yummy smell and ambience to the room. I always try to keep one lit throughout the day, a less expensive one to be exact, and then I save my really yummy, more expensive candles for the evening.
A Hot Drink
I hate when it gets really hot in Arizona because I choose my coffee based off the temperature outside. And when it’s hot, it’s hard to enjoy a hot cup of coffee, which makes me so dang happy I can’t even tell you. So, now that I’m inside and barely even running errands anymore, I luckily can still enjoy that hot cup of jo by cranking the AC down a couple degrees. There is nothing like your first cup of coffee in the morning. I always try to enjoy it on our front patio while it’s still cool out, or on the couch while I listen to a podcast.
Speaking on podcasts! Another thing that just feeds my soul. During the week, I am usually always listening to an inspiring, entrepreneurial podcast with great business advice and tips. If it’s a Friday or weekend, I’ll opt for something more pop culture or crime!
Creating a solid skincare routine with make you really happy, but I think moisturizer is just like one big giant hug that you need to absolutely do everyday and not just on your face–all over your body! A really great moisturizer is Glossier Body Hero.
Like I said, it’s hot here so socks aren’t typically on my comfort list right now, but like I said with staying inside and cranking down the AC, I love having just a thin pair of socks on to cover my feet. There is something oddly comforting about it, plus it protects me from all the crumbs and dirt that the dog and toddler drag in haha.
Matching sets
Who doesn’t love a matching set!! If you don’t, you may not be trustworthy. Especially a matching loungewear set. Hell yeah. Something about it makes you feel put together but you’re still cozy. Sign me up. I need more of these in my life after I just purged nearly my entire closet.
A smoothie in the morning is part of my routine and one of the first things I do once Cannon is awake. We share it together and even CHEERS! Melts my heart. But it makes me feel good and best of all, full.
Face mask
Nothing screams joy like a face mask! Take that 10-15 minutes you have to keep it on for and literally. do. nothing.