Today is my 29th birthday.
So much has changed for me since becoming pregnant with Cannon, in many more ways than just the obvious of being a new mom. I quit the 8-5 work life, launched my own PR and events businessstarted my blog back up and became a Main Dame of the Dames Collective Phoenix. I’ve also invested in spending two days a week at an office space so I can remove myself from the distractions at home. It’s been amazing to be able to take time for myself to work on my goals but still be a stay-at-home-mom.
As I go into the last year in my 20s (o.m.f.g.), I’m sad to be leaving this decade that treated me so well, but I’m also really excited to start taking more control of my career as an entrepreneur, my home as it grows and my relationship, as time together is much harder to make.
Here’s what I’m hoping to achieve in my 29th year:
My Personal Brand
1. Hone in on a clearer vision for my blog and therefore, generate more quality content. This is vague, but still something tangible enough for me to start working on and create sub-goals for. I really want my blog to be the hub of my personal brand, not Instagram. I truly just don’t see Instagram having a longer shelf life than the actual internet so I don’t want to put all my eggs in that basket. Plus, my blog is me; not the number of followers I have on social media.
2. Post at least 3 articles per week on my blog.
3. Build an email list and blast out a weekly newsletter. Email is not dead! It’s a much more personal touch point where you really nurture your relationship with subscribers. I personally love a really pretty email with tangible takeaways that enhance my life.
4. Hire a professional to design and create a logo and branding. Ugh there is just so much to invest in when you’re an entrepreneur, or at least trying to be lol. Luckily, there are so many resources out there that can help you “DIY” it. However, taking the time to learn those methods is sometimes not worth it to me. I’d rather have the time to do other things. One great piece of advice that’s popped up for more than one person, is to source out certain things that you’re just not an expert in.
5. Launch our podcast. OMG I SAID IT. I just put it out into the world!! I say “our” because it’s something myself and Becca Booker have been working on. It’s coming soon… and I’m so fucking excited about this you have no idea.
6. Grow my Pinterest to 100,000 monthly viewers. It CAN be done!! I just need to pin 100 things a day but I got it don’t worry.
7. Put a heavy focus on creating, sharing and shooting recipes. I seriously love cooking. I like had no idea! However, with some stipulations. I tend to freeze with anxiety when it comes to prep and getting all the right ingredients. Therefore, I only like recipes with a maximum of 6 ingredients and absolutely no crazy techniques.
8. Create a media kit for my brand.
9. Begin reaching out to brands to partner with.
My Business
10. Rebrand my business and its mission. Including all assets, verbiage, etc. to focus on experiential events showcasing brands and products.
11. Add at least two more brands to my client base.
12. Create an online product. i.e. Media kit outline, wedding planning checklist list…
13. Complete my home office. For the days I spend at home.
14. Hire an intern! College-credit only guys… sorry. I can’t afford you.
My Personal Life
15. Move into a new home. (that checks off all the boxes obviously!)
16. Take more short family road trips. To California, Sedona, Flagstaff, Mexico, Tucson…
17. Reserve two Saturdays per month for date nights with Thor. This is just so important to keep our foundation from cracking so we can continue to provide a healthy, happy home and be great parents.
18. Start long distance running again. I was on a huge running kick a couple years ago and I loved it. Omg it was the more liberating, healing things for my mind, body and soul. I ran numerous races, about 5 of which were half marathons, and this fall, I would love nothing more than to find time to run again.
19. Go to barre3 at least three days a week.
20. Eat cleaner. No diets. Just good, clean, healthy ingredients.
21. Stick to the 16/8 intermittent fasting schedule. This seems to be what works best for me and my eating habits.
22. Throw Cannon an insanely cute first birthday party.
23. Throw Thor an insanely ridiculous 30th birthday party.
24. Take one big family vacation. Hawaii? Europe?
25. Go to the Grand Canyon. I have never fucking been. Born and raised Arizonian. What is wrong with me.
26. Create the most magical holiday experience for Cannon. We have a big list of potential to-dos that I will share in an upcoming blog post.
27. Declutter my motherhood. This weekend I attended a workshop hosted by Mika Perry and Rachel Nielsen of 3 in 30 Podcast that’s all about decluttering your motherhood from the inside and the outside. This includes soooo many things, from delegating tasks to others, to realizing that I don’t have to provide every experience to my child to be a good parent, to establishing morning and night routines, to ridding of things that don’t spark joy and organizing my home so I can make more space for the unexpected and spontaneous!
28. Meditate in the mornings and schedule time for self-care. These both fall under #28. If I can master #28, I can fit these things in no problem.
29. Baby? Maybe…